90 Minute Free NLP Workshop ...don't delay registration is limited!

Stress: Fight, Flight or Learn

Hosted by Linda Ferguson, PhD and Author

Shifts: A Toolkit for a Better You

When: Thursday, February 20, 2024

7:30 - 9:00 pm EST

In this workshop, discover the lessons of the fight and flight responses as Toronto based Author Linda Ferguson, PhD, provides powerful insights to help you get on a path to somewhere you want to go.

Would you like to reduce the stress and tension in your life?

Would you like to create more work-life balance?

Are you "okay" but are starting to think about a spruced up version of yourself but don't know where to start?

Star Here right now!

  1. Take our 90 minute:

"Free NLP Workshop on Stress: Fight, Flight or Learn"

  1. Order Linda's new book:

"Shifts: A Toolkit for a Better You", where she guides you through practical ways to make a difference, wherever you need it, for yourself and others.

Let's face it, sometimes we could use a little nudge to make better choices that lead to the changes we want.

But sometimes we just don't know where to start. HERE is where you start.


What is a NLP Workshop?

At a NLP Canada Training Workshops we go through lessons and practice and feedback loops. We get more vague about problems and more granular about the bright spots.

We focus on the assumption that our thoughts, feelings and behaviours as well as our social self are all one integrated and connected system. If you change one part, all of the parts change. It's all happening anyways so why not learn how to drive your beautiful self better?

Linda Ferguson has been training coaches for over 20 years. She is an incredible human with an incredible mind that always focuses on the process rather than the details. All of her coaches have been trained this way. It's a discipline.

If you want to learn how to be kind and gentle with yourself then give a NLP Workshop a try! You won't regret it.

How long is long enough to be stressed?

I guess it depends. One persons stress is another persons comfort zone. What's important is how you "feel".

If you are happy enough then you're good.

If you're finding it harder and harder to get through the ding dong of your day then come to a workshop, we know we can help.

The benefit of stress?

Instead of fearing stress, you can learn to make it work for you.

Look at it as an opportunity to tell you something.

What is the pattern of stress in your life? Or Who is the pattern of stress in your life?

When will I see results?

You should feel shifts or results in your very first workshop. No previous experience required.

NLP Coaching will simply and gently nudge you to be more curious about that problem or goal.

We know that you're perfectly capable of going from where you are to where you want to be.

We also know that working together and establishing some new boundaries with yourself and others will have you feeling lighter before you leave the workshop.

Give it a try. It's FREE!

What if I can't make it to the Free NLP Coaching Workshop?

We've got you covered!

There are also lot's of free NLP Resources such as podcasts, a blog, e-books, youtube videos and lot's more coming soon.